Shared homies

Team: Who Are We?

Fake Buddies (New) : Event Schedules & Photos of Us

1. KB (Co-Founder)

Meet KB, who left law school to start Fake Buddies. An out-of-mind choice? Maybe, but he loves planning events and seeing people make real connections. He believes in learning from mistakes.
His key values are adventure, doing things well, and never giving up. He likes to talk about them, even if no one asks!

2. Edgar (Co-Founder)

Next is Edgar, a former chef who likes to get things perfect and enjoys new experiences. This led him to join KB and start Fake Buddies. Even though he looks tough, he's really caring and responsible. He's friendly, enjoys being with people, and truly cares about others.
His hobbies? Drinking, smoking, and eating. Lots of our members are trying to get him to stop smoking, but no one has succeeded yet. New members who can convince him are welcome!

3. Dan (Leader)

Commitment Day:
Dan is from Ireland and here in Korea on a working holiday visa. Previously he has worked in various jobs including customer advisory, English teaching, academic research in renewable energy and other start-ups!
He is here as a leader in Fake Buddies helping to organize and run events while also studying Korean. In the future he hopes to continue working with Fake Buddies and also getting a research job or PhD position here in a university in Seoul. Don’t be afraid to say hi to him and ask him how much he enjoys firework shows!

4. Laura (Leader)

Commitment Day:
Laura comes from the country of chocolate, Switzerland. She’s studying law as an exchange student in Yonsei, but came here to have fun, eat lots of gugbab and improve her dancing skills.
She loves people and believes the best things in life are meant to be shared! But as her dad is Italian please don’t invite her to have a Korean pizza.
She joined the Fake Buddies Team with a goal to help members connecting with each other, through genuine and social activities.

5. Vivian (Leader)

Commitment Day:
Here is Viv, born and raised in Canada with 5 years of technical recruiting experience with Amazon and IBM. Currently, venturing on my social entrepreneurial journey in Seoul. In her spare time, she loves going to the gym, reading non-fiction, cafes, and nightlife.
She was introduced to fake buddies through Sugandi, one of their first members turned manager. Being solo in Seoul, she made great friends with fake buddies and truly believe in their mission and the community they are building.
After being a member for 4 months, she's excited to join the leadership team to enrich our community with thoughtful learning discussions surrounding mental wellness. Fostering deeper friendships through shared goals, challenges, learnings, and drive collective growth.

6. KJ (Leader)

Commitment Day:
Hello. My name is Kijun and I'm from South Korea. I worked as a quality manager in customer service for 5 years and I'm a chat manager at Fake Buddies.
I signed up for the first meetup in March, 2023 and I have joined more than 30 meetups so far. They kept asking me questions and having small talk with me at first when I was too shy to mingle with them. So the reason why I kept joining their meetups is because they were so nice and friendly, even to firstcomers. Also, I made many good friends and had so many good experiences with them together.
I believe that in social community groups, as in interpersonal relationships, communication is the most important thing in order to make our community better and give you the best experience while you're with us. We are very open to listening to you and improve our meetup quality! Please, don't hesitate to contact us for any reason. We are here for you as always :)

7. Sugandi (Manager)

Finally, meet Sugandi, who everyone enjoys talking to. She's full of energy and makes Fake Buddies more fun. She came to Korea to find her dream job in entertainment. But now, she thinks it's more important to build our community with KB and Edgar.
She loves to dance and cares about others a lot. By the way, she thinks Korean bathrooms are a bit strange because she's had some problems. Feel free to ask her about this!
We're a fake team for now, but looking forward to being a real one.