Shared homies


What are polite topics of conversations with strangers in your culture?
When you are paying for food at a grocery store, is it polite to talk with the cashier or not? Why do you think that is? What do you think about that?
In your culture, do the colors black, white, red, green, blue, pink, green, yellow, or purple represent anything important?
Can you give a good example of how someone in your country should act with a waiter or taxi driver? What should tourists do or avoid in order to be polite?
What is one thing that everyone in your culture really cares about that you don’t care about at all? (Ex: personal space, beauty, social obligations, politics, etc)
What is one very rude thing that foreigners sometimes do when visiting your country?
Who do you give tips to in your country? How much? Why or why not?
Is it appropriate to touch friends or people you are talking to in your country? Can you explain when or why?
Can you show some examples of non-verbal body language from your culture?
What topics should be avoided when speaking with people you don’t know in your culture?
What’s a rude question that someone from another country might ask you? How do you respond?
When making plans in a group, should a person wait to be invited or invite themselves?
Do you think people say things very directly in your culture, or very indirectly? (“That shirt doesn’t look good” vs “I think another shirt might be better”.) Do you think this is important?